The "school sword action" story revolves around Magic Knights, modern magic-users who fight with weapons converted from their souls. Ikki Kurogane goes to a school for these Magic Knights, but he is the "Failed Knight" or "Worst One" who is failing because he has no magical skills. However, one day, he is challenged to a duel by Stella, a foreign princess and the "Number One" student. In this duel, "the loser must be obedient for life."
English: Chivalry of a Failed Knight
Synonyms: Chivalry of a Failed Knight;A Tale of Worst One;A Chivalry of the Failed Knight; Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan;落第騎士の英雄譚《キャバルリィ》
Type: TV
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Oct 3, 2015 to Dec 19, 2015
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