The delicate balance between the rich city of Piltover and the seedy underbelly of Zaun. Tensions between these city-states boil over with the creation of hextech a way for any person to control magical energy in Piltover, and in Zaun, a new drug called shimmer transforms humans into monsters. The rivalry between the cities splits families and friends as Arcane brings life to the relationships that shape some of League of Legends' famous champions including Vi, Jinx, Caitlyn, Jayce and Viktor.
English: Arcane: League of Legends (Dub)
Synonyms: アーケイン
Type: TV
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Nov 6, 2021
External Links: arcane: league of legends (dub) animepahe watch arcane: league of legends (dub)
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