The films will follow The First Summer of Love phenomenon that occurred a decade before the first Eureka Seven series. The anime franchise thus far has hinted at, but never depicted in full, "the beginning of it all." The films will then have the same basic story as the first Eureka Seven series, but will have an original ending. The trilogy will have completely re-recorded lines, redone footage, and new scenes.
English: Anemone: Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution (Dub)
Synonyms: Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution 2: Anemone; ANEMONE/交響詩篇エウレカセブン ハイエボリューション
Type: Movie
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Nov 10, 2018
External Links: anemone: eureka seven hi-evolution (dub) animepahe watch anemone: eureka seven hi-evolution (dub)
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Anemone: Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution (Dub) Movie