This movie, based on an anecdote of "Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu" written by novelist Tanaka Yoshiki, preludes the 110-episodes TV series by describing the first encounter between the ambitious young man Reinhard von Museal under the imperial flag and the passive Yang Wenli who serves a corrupting democracy. Set in an imaginative future, the story describes the first encounter between Yang and Reinhard and discusses how heroes are born.
English: Legend of the Galactic Heroes: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars
Synonyms: LoGH: My Conquest Is the Sea of Stars; Legend of the Galactic Heroes MOVIE (1988);銀河英雄伝説: わが征くは星の大海
Type: Movie
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Feb 6, 1988
External Links: legend of the galactic heroes: my conquest is the sea of stars animepahe watch legend of the galactic heroes: my conquest is the sea of stars
Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden: A Hundred Billion Stars
TV - 24 Episodes (SUB)Finished Airing
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